12/6/23 @ 12:09am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
This here thread is about the octagon. It ain't about the pentagagon. Sure as fuck ain't about the decadodon.
Just the octagon. Yep, the octagon.
You'd figure there'd be eight...
You'd be wrong.

12/6/23 @ 12:12am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Heptagons. Sexaraspillions.
But it taint nawthin if it ain't an octagon, s0n.
you'd figure there'd be eight...
Lord knows you'd be wrong.

12/6/23 @ 12:19am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
When I did my larnin we had to memorize all the symmetries. We had to know the packing ratios. The lattice parameters.
We had to think about them connected by springs. We interpolated them with special functions and put our zeros just so.
But we went out into the real world unable to tell a quadrililagon from a nanonagon. We whirled. We spun.
And we hit the octagon. Broadside. Before the mist receded.
How many survived? you'd figure it would be eight...
You'd figure wrong.

12/6/23 @ 12:26am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Crushed by life I scaled many mountains. Seeking another try.
How many peaks rival K2? What does the Yeti say?
Dragging my canoe behind me, I leapt from crag to gon. I knew it was the octagon. Sure warn't the centapagapagon.
How many bullets in my clip? I thought it was eight...
I was wrong.

12/6/23 @ 12:32am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271

12/6/23 @ 10:23pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
I didn't know it, but Santa got involved.
Mid-level, deep in, I heard the characteristic bump land and reindeer hooves on the roof above.
You'd figure there'd be eight sets...
you'd be so tragically wrong. ohhhhh Donner. Bye bye Blitzen

12/6/23 @ 10:30pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
You elves. Stay away. I'm warning you.
The octagon plays for keeps. Leave it to the pros.
I called in for backup. Clancy. Chief. Horse. McBride.
Faraday. Buck. McGhee. McGrew.
I'da had the devil hisself and the old black fox skin. Ike and Kitty. Pious Pete and the Swede.
Men of action. Men of the North.
You'd figure I'd get at least eight. Prolly scores more.
You'd be so effing wrong. That damned octagon. Turns heros bl00d cold.

12/8/23 @ 10:48am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Shall I compare the octagon (l.c. deliberate) to a mid-summer's day?
NO!!! I have not completely lost my sense! There is nothing temperate nor mild about it.
As I struggle within its clutches I dream of that day when I shall guide patrons through my estates near Versailles, pointing and saying: "That is my last octagon painted upon my wall. Looking as if it is alive." and "it had a heart made too glad by crushing Mountie souls."
I have many such trophies. Many such tales.
What is the limit on what my tour would display in ons day? You'd figure it would be eight. Or maybe eight times eight. You'd be... totally... wrong.

12/8/23 @ 11:03am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
There are many things that make a man. He is a heady mixture of rational, mammal, spiritual. And other as yet to be defined, in our language, dimensions.
He is capable of great good. And despicable evil. Great strength. Abject weakness.
Each individual. Each faction. Has his part to play in the Great Play.
But for me. And I suppose it is my gift from the gods... an octagon can only have 8 sides. Oh, it can be regular or irregular. It can obfuscate for sure. But when I land on its bl00d trail... you know how it is gonna end.
Each time I traverse a level, each ninja I send to his fate, provokes the age old question: what is the number of fate? To even ask may be a species of madness. Certainly to think it is 8.

12/11/23 @ 12:20pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
lol. odd creatures for sure. Worth more study.
But if you think they have 8 sides, you are counting wrong.

lol. odd creatures for sure. Worth more study.
But if you think they have 8 sides, you are counting wrong.
You are so right. I got a message from a woman full of spit and vinegar. the next day was all sweet and happy.

12/23/23 @ 1:24am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Scott James Hologram: Good... You made it to level 8.
Seikura: It won't be me at the center this time.
Kyo: One clue... raptors can be trained as ninjas now. What Neo did, they now can do.
Lee: It should be easier for you. You aren't as hairy. Remember... water...
Cho chicly lo chicly bow wow wow.
Dong diggity dong diggity dong dong dong.
No: Yes?
Fu: Hmmm maybe an octogon IS more fun than a pit.
Crazy level 8, silly rabbit... thought you missed it? You thought wrong!

12/23/23 @ 1:36am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Giant Octopus: Whaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggg!!!!
Virgin Sacrifice: Yiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Fu: When the villain swaps his vowels, be suspicious, be be suspicious!
No: Wow. Did not see him and then BAM, dragged by writhing tentacles to a perpetually clicking beak.
Fu: I know. That ninja outfit is so cute on him too. Loving the head scarf. But it is a big change for a snake man.
No: But how gon?
Fu: all gone * fu wink of 8th heaven *

12/25/23 @ 12:02pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
We the staff of Do Ride Story Werks would like to offer holiday, x-mas, solstice and graggrovar greetings to this particular universe. We do not wish to start a tradition of sending thank you notes and fruit cake across the inter-universal void. Postage is a k1ller for such.
Any excuse we are offered to blow upon, in a nurturing manner, the spark of species kindness and indulge in the rush of warmth and giddiness incurred thereby, we will grab so fast we may lose our hats! Any chance to supply blessings for prosperity, love and peace we will take!
And of course dream up new ways to please, try some dangerous new things, and win the relative war. Good feasting and hunting!

12/26/23 @ 10:23am
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
It can kinda get you down. Super=villain has a big dream, makes it real. Puts all his creativity into it. Manages against all odds to make that dream real. And then one fateful day some hero comes to blow it all up. All those beloved lackies slain or taken. Probably with less creativity than was used to build that dream.
* sigh * It ages me. Simply ages me.
Don't try to console me. The villain's power structure is autocratic so there can be no heirs. You know how unreliable the ch1ld is in following the faather anyway.
If the villain is sk1lled and especially devious he may reach old age and die from natural causes. But he has no legacy. Oh people may tell his tale for a time. Until the next new thing. But a raptor is forgotten as soon as a raptor with an embedded chip is created. I think you know what I mean.
Fu of course is no dummy. He won't be in the center. His puppet may be the only one who will ever know he was the villain. The puppet will likely perish with that secret still kept.
But I suppose I shouldn't worry about Fu. He always seems to be in a good mood. I wonder if he is one who even cherishes the temporary nature of his creations. Maybe that destruction
is factored into his thinking and a part of the dark beauty of his craft. Chaotic evil not lawful evil.
I suppose there is reward for dark virtue. Appreciating the simple joys of pits and snakes. Not losing oneself too much in
manias and world domination. Laughing up your sleeve at the hero who only destroys your latest creation but fails to unravel the full plot. Enjoying pulling the strings quietly.
Hmmm kinda makes me want to go fishing.

12/26/23 @ 10:58pm
(EST) |UTC - 5:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,271
Ride took a deep gulp of air, fished something out of his belt, and entered the central chamber. Three grinning chip enhanced ninja raptors swiveled around to face him. What a painful battle it promised to be as martial technique was now melded optimally with fang and claw.
But stifling a yawn, Ride merely lifted the plastic pistol shaped object and squeezed the trigger. Though no sound emanated but the click of the trigger, all three raptors went into convulsions and dropped immediately. It was a strong EMP device of course that took out all electronics. Chip strength, chip weakness.
But another effect triggered. The designer of this death trap was so thorough that an EMP detector coupled to gravity door lids kicked off that sealed the two remaining occupants of the chamber with granite slabs crashing down behind. Surely this would be followed very shortly by mechanically triggered explosives in a diabolically constructed self destruct apparatus.
Ride had just enough time to observe the wide eyed master of this crypt, perched on a dais in preparation for the raptor - mountie contest, observe... his surprise. No less than Savoir Faire himself. Just enough time... before...
Astral projection came with enlightenment. Over the years the mountie developed the ability, the procedure, whereby using his mental powers he could transport his matter, his mind, his soul in an emergency to the safety of his study so far away. It had to be that location. He had to be focused and pain free. But he simply winked out of existence as Savoir Faire stared, doomed, as the octagon blew apart in a series of chained explosions.
Back in his study, exhausted from the projection, Ride fumbled a phone up to his mouth, and informed the Institute's report line: "Ride, Splash 8. Savoir Faire is now evairyware" Before sinking into a near comatose recovery sleeep.
While in his lair...
Fu: You want to tell me something?
No: Just want to say I am sorry about Faire. Have you heard?
Fu: (wide grin) What do you think?
No: Oh the octopus ninja is gone.
Fu: Yes. He got called on an assignment. His concealment was complete. But his ambush was sprung by a lucky shot. He went without anyone even knowing he was there.
No: That is rough. But I see that you have a nice new pit.
Fu: The dance goes on. If you think less than 8 more plots are coming... you are grievously wrong. Bwa ha ha. ha ha ha. HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAA HHHHHHAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Ride took a deep gulp of air, fished something out of his belt, and entered the central chamber. Three grinning chip enhanced ninja raptors swiveled around to face him. What a painful battle it promised to be as martial technique was now melded optimally with fang and claw.
But stifling a yawn, Ride merely lifted the plastic pistol shaped object and squeezed the trigger. Though no sound emanated but the click of the trigger, all three raptors went into convulsions and dropped immediately. It was a strong EMP device of course that took out all electronics. Chip strength, chip weakness.
But another effect triggered. The designer of this death trap was so thorough that an EMP detector coupled to gravity door lids kicked off that sealed the two remaining occupants of the chamber with granite slabs crashing down behind. Surely this would be followed very shortly by mechanically triggered explosives in a diabolically constructed self destruct apparatus.
Ride had just enough time to observe the wide eyed master of this crypt, perched on a dais in preparation for the raptor - mountie contest, observe... his surprise. No less than Savoir Faire himself. Just enough time... before...
Astral projection came with enlightenment. Over the years the mountie developed the ability, the procedure, whereby using his mental powers he could transport his matter, his mind, his soul in an emergency to the safety of his study so far away. It had to be that location. He had to be focused and pain free. But he simply winked out of existence as Savoir Faire stared, doomed, as the octagon blew apart in a series of chained explosions.
Back in his study, exhausted from the projection, Ride fumbled a phone up to his mouth, and informed the Institute's report line: "Ride, Splash 8. Savoir Faire is now evairyware" Before sinking into a near comatose recovery sleeep.
While in his lair...
Fu: You want to tell me something?
No: Just want to say I am sorry about Faire. Have you heard?
Fu: (wide grin) What do you think?
No: Oh the octopus ninja is gone.
Fu: Yes. He got called on an assignment. His concealment was complete. But his ambush was sprung by a lucky shot. He went without anyone even knowing he was there.
No: That is rough. But I see that you have a nice new pit.
Fu: The dance goes on. If you think less than 8 more plots are coming... you are grievously wrong. Bwa ha ha. ha ha ha. HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAA HHHHHHAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
I don't know why I keep buying credits when I am not allowed to use them. I think I will stop. Quote